Let Cinema Go To Its Ruin:The Cinema of Marguerite Duras
18 July - 25 August 2024, ICA LondonA full retrospective – 42 films over 22 screenings – including new restorations alongside imported prints of rarely seen works by Marguerite Duras, as well as special guests, invited speakers and newly commissioned essays contextualising Duras’s work.
Press: Criterion; Time Out; Elephant; A Rabbit’s Foot; Apollo; Another MagOlder:
● November 2022 – And who do you hit? Three West German films on familial and economic violence in the Märkisches Viertel
● June 2022 – A Moving X-ray: Seven films by Sandra Lahire (1950 – 2001), Another Screen
● Another Gaze presents: Lizzie Borden, at Abaton Kino (Hamburg) and Arsenal (Berlin)
● Three lyrical portraits by Sarah Maldoror, Fronza Woods & Marguerite Duras, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
● The Deviant Product, by PRISMS, Kunsthall Trondheim, June 2022
● April 2022 – MULHERES: UMA OUTRA HISTÓRIA: Six Brazilian films about women and work.
○ Presented in person in Paris (Dissident Club), Porto (Passos Manuel), Cinemateca da Bahia, Cinemateca de Curitiba, Lisbon (Museu do Aljube), Amsterdam (7th EYE International Conference),
● January 2022 – Marie-Claude Treilhou’s Simone Barbès or Virtue (1980), with texts by Elisabeth Lebovici, interview with Treilhou and translation of Danièle Dubroux’s interviews with women cinema workers (all translations by me).
● December 2021 – Japan 2021: Another Gaze at BFI Southbank, London.
A selection of some of the most original voices from the expansive landscape of women-made film and video in Japan.
○ Restoration Premiere: The Far Road (1978) + pre-recorded intro by professor Ayako Saito
○ Documentary Dear Pyongyang (2013) + pre-recorded intro by director Yang Yong-hi
○ Momoko Ando's 0.5mm (2014)
○ A selection of video and film works by experimental filmmaker Mako Idemitsu + intro by Daniella Shreir
○ Naomi Kawase: Sky, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth (2001) + Birth/Mother (2006)
● Djouhra Abouda & Alain Bonnamy’sAli in Wonderland (1976), with an essay by Federico Rossin, an extract of Abouda's memoire, an interview with Abouda conducted by Guy Hennebelle (all translations by me).
● November–December 2021 – Two films by Fronza Woods (1979, 1981), with commissioned essay by Yasmina Price and interview with Woods.
● Eight films by Cecilia Manginias part of FIFIB (Festival International de Films Indépendants de Bordeaux) – Cinema Utopia, Bordeaux
● August 2021 – The Practice of Disobedience: French feminist film collectives. Carole Roussoupolos, Delphine Seyrig and co. plus commissioned essay by Ros Murray and writing by Antoine Idier and Cassandra Troyan
● May – June 2021 – For a Free Palestine: Films by Palestinian Women. A month-long programme and fundraising drive for aid and arts organisations in the occupied territories.
○ Thirty films, including work by Jumana Manna, Basma Alsharif, Rosalind Nashashibi, Razan AlSalah, Mahasen Nasser-Eldin, Larissa Sansour, Mona Benyamin, Layaly Badr, Shuruq Harb, Emily Jacir, Pary El-Qalqili, Mai Masri, Aida Ka'adan.
● April – May 2021 – Marguerite Duras on Television. Eight interviews between Marguerite Duras and various subjects including Jeanne Moreau, a stripper, a seven-year-old boy, the first female prison guard. Plus two-part Les lieux de Marguerite Duras(The Places of Marguerite Duras), a documentary interview made by journalist Michelle Porte and shown on French television in May 1976. Plus commissioned essays by Lili Owen Rowlands and Alice Blackhurst.
● April 2021 – A Question of Silence (Marleen Gorris, 1982), accompanied by a commissioned essay by Amelia Groom. Plus Eva’s Man (Anita W. Addison, 1976). Plus, a focus on Mara Mattuschka's 'Mini Minus' works, with an interview between Mattuschka and Daniella Shreir.
● March – April 2021 – Hands Tied: Two very different films about hands: Maria Lassnig's Palmistry (1973) and Ayesha Hameed's A Rough History (of the Destruction of Fingerprints)(2016), accompanied by a roundtable discussion featuring Rachel Aumiller, Sam Dolbear, Nadine El-Enany, Amelia Groom, Clio Nicastro, Anja Sunhyun Michaelsen, and M. Ty. Supported by the ICI, Berlin.
● March – April 2021 – Eating (the Other): six films about food and eating in relation to ritual, modernity, censorship and national myths, feat: The Sweet Number: An Experience of Consumption (VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1968) Melons(Patty Chang, USA, 1998) Popsicles(Gloria Camiruaga, Chile/USA, 1982/4) Rat Life and Diet in North America (Joyce Wieland, Canada, 1968) The Sandwich (Ateyyat El Abnoudy, Egypt, 1975) Fake Fruit Factory(Chick Strand, Mexico/USA, 1986).
● March 2021 – Eight films by Cecilia Mangini (1927–2021), contextualised with a commissioned essay by Allison Grimaldi Donahue and an interview with Mangini by Gianluca Sciannameo, translated by Livia Franchini.
● 2019 – 2020 – The Films of Marguerite Duras (a partial retrospective).
○ India Song (1975) introduced by Richard Dyer at the French Institute, London
○ Les Mains Négatives (1979) and Le Camion (1977) in 35mm, introduced by Prof. Sarah Cooper, live subtitled by me. At Regents St Cinema.
● March 2020 – Olivia(Jacquline Audry, 1951), restoration premier, introduced by Prof. Emma Wilson at Regents St Cinema
Ø “Coni Beeson, Anatomie du désir, Alice Leroy, June 29 2022, Cahiers du Cinéma
Ø “A cine-poesia de Sandra Lahire e o fim dos tempos”, Susana Bessa, June 4 2022, Publico
Ø A LUMINOUS DECAY On ‘A Moving X-Ray’, seven films by Sandra Lahire on Another Screen”, Caitlin Merrett King, May 2022, Map Magazine
Ø “Another Story: Six Brazilian Films About Women and Work”: Rachel Pronger, May 3 2022, Mubi Notebook
Ø “FREEDOM SONGS”: Kaelen Wilson-Goldie on “For a Free Palestine: Films by Palestinian Women”, May 30 2021, Artforum
Ø “For a Free Palestine”, Lina Attalah, June 4, 2021, 4Columns
Ø “This Feminist Film Platform Won’t Spoon-Feed You Culture”, 16 April 2021, Elephant
Ø "Another Gaze": Der Blick der Anderen, Sebastian Markt, 7 July 2021, Die Zeit
Ø 'A one-woman confessional' by Sarah Messerschmidt, March 26 2021, Burlington Contemporary
Ø Les splendeurs documentaires de Cecilia Mangini en streaming, Diane Lisarelli, 16 March 2021, Libération
Ø La bouffe est-elle soluble dans le cinéma féministe expérimental ? Alexis Ferenczi, 9 April 2021, Vice France
Ø "Le cinéma est le vecteur artistique principal pour que les femmes se réapproprient leur corps" avec Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, 21 April 2021, France Culture.
Ø TRANSFORMING LIMITATION: Caitlin Quinlan talks to Daniella Shreir, editor of Another Gaze, about the new irregular streaming platform, Another Screen, April 2021, Map Magazine
Ø Phoebe Campion on Basma Alsharif’s film, part of the Another Gaze programme ‘For a Free Palestine: Films by Palestinian Women’, June 2021, Map Magazine

Another Screen was launched in March 2021 as an irregular streaming platform. It has so far showcased seven programmes, featuring filmmakers including Marguerite Duras, Carole Roussopoulos, Cecilia Mangini, Mara Mattuschka, VALIE EXPORT, Anita W. Addison, Gloria Camiruaga, Fronza Woods, Marie-Claude Treilhou and Djouhra Abouda.
Other programmes included its month-long ‘Films for a Free Palestine’ which went on to tour cinemas and museums worldwide and was accompanied by a fundraiser, which raised over £12k for organisations in the occupied territories.
Girish Shambu on Another Screen for Film Quarterly: “Shreir herself has provided a thoughtful counter-model through the example of Another Screen, the innovatively designed streaming platform she launched earlier this year. The seven series so far have been accompanied by carefully selected and arranged framing materials: interviews, essay excerpts and program notes from a wide range of sources including critics, scholars, curators, and the filmmakers themselves. This historically informed and context-sensitive framing has taken care to steer clear of the rhetoric of “firsts,” “discoveries,” and “forgotten films.” The inaugural film series on the platform showcased eight films by Cecilia Mangini, alongside a scholarly essay and a newly translated interview; the fact that Mangini is considered to be Italy’s first female documentary filmmaker was mentioned nowhere.
Another Screen’s most successful program to date has been “For a Free Palestine,” a series of over 30 films by nearly 20 Palestinian women directors that streamed for a month this summer. Made up mostly of short films from the 21st century by directors such as Basma Alsharif, Emily Jacir, Larissa Sansour, Razan AlSalah, and Reem Shilleh, the program spanned experimental, documentary and animated works. It screened worldwide for free, with subtitles that Shreir commissioned for an array of languages. In conjunction with the program, she also created a GoFundMe page for medical, legal and infrastructural aid on the ground in Gaza.”
Interview with Shreir, by Caitlin Quinlan
Selected press for Another Screen:
Burlington Contemporary
Hyper Allergic
Filmmaker Magazine
Sight & Sound
Die Zeit

May 2020 / Worldwide, Vimeo & Zoom
The Legacies of Sarah Maldoror
Following the death of the filmmaker Sarah Maldoror, I created a short film programme and event, which over 2,000 people attended. The latter was done in collaboration with Yasmina Price. The event programme was as follows:
Annouchka de Andrade and Henda Ducados introduce the life and work of their mother, Sarah Maldoror.
A bilingual reading of extracts of Aimé Césaire’s Cahiers d’un retour au pays natal (Return to my Native Land), by Marie-Julie Chalu and Gazelle Mba. Reading of extracts from the work of Frantz Fanon, by Rooney Elmi.
A roundtable discussion about the legacies of Sarah Maldoror. The conversation will consider Maldoror’s work as an archival practice, an alternative form of historiography and a model for the necessity of cultural and artistic practices as part of revolutionary struggle. It will also consider Maldoror’s place as part of a broader context of anticolonial filmmaking around the time of African independence movements and the ways her work might be in dialogue with contemporary Black feminist filmmaking. With Yasmina Price, Beti Ellerson, Awa Konaté, Janaína Oliveira and Nuotama Bodomo, followed by audience discussion.

March 10 2020 / Regents Street Cinema
Jacqueline Audry’s Olivia (1951)
The first screening of the restored version of Olivia in the UK. With a specially commissioned essay by Emma Wilson.

December 10 2019 / French Institute, London
Marguerite Duras’s India Song (1975)
The second screening of our Marguerite Duras retrospective, introduced by Prof. Richard Dyer. Those who attended the screening received a pamphlet of interviews with Duras, translated by me.

July 4 2019 / Regents Street Cinema, London
Marguerite Duras’s Le Camion (1977) + ‘Les Mains Negatives’ (1978)
The first screening of our Marguerite Duras retrospective, introduced by Prof. Sarah Cooper. With accompanying essay by Lizzie Homersham.

December 15 2019 / ICA
Feminist Films of Work and Protest
With films selected by Daniella Shreir (Another Gaze) and event programmed by Katrina Black (Jupiter Woods).
Madeline Anderson, I Am Somebody, 1969, 28 min.
Joyce Wieland, Solidarity, 1973, 11 min.
Tanya Syed, Chameleon, 1990, 5 min.
Cecilia Mangini, Essere Donne, 1965, 28 min.
Mako Idemitsu, At Any Place 4, 1978, 12 min.